
chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise中文是什么意思

  • 中外合作经营企业



  • 例句与用法
  • Our company establish on will it be april 23 2002 , one chinese - foreign cooperative enterprise , produce leather glove , cloth glove , labour protection glove , glove auxiliary materials , skin have etc . mainly
  • He to soar enterprise provide funds of and , field of huangchuan ecological science technologies co . , ltd . s offer and produce , plant the base xinyang prefecture henan province each by co . , ltd . with canada , the chinese - foreign cooperative enterprise become
  • Article 1 whereas it is imperative to well regulate the establishment of job referral agencies , to protect the legal rights of job - seekers and employing organizations , this regulation is promulgated in accordance with related provisions of the labour law of china , chinese - foreign enterprise joint venture law of china and the chinese - foreign cooperative enterprise law of china
  • Leather and fur products limited company of blue sky is a chinese - foreign cooperative enterprise , registered capital is 700 , 000 dollars , produce 2500 square meters of factory buildings , high speed is flat to sew 330 cars , more than 600 staff , the speciality produces leather glove , labour protection glove and cover to have , the products are all for export
  • Gaozhou county l reach leather and fur products co . , ltd . one chinese - foreign cooperative enterprise of independent accounting , established it on january 28 , 1997 , the company lay for the 1st of a lane of the east of gaozhou county , registered capital is 500 , 000 dollars , there are 580 staff now in the company ; the workshop and factory building are 6668 square meters ; more than 500 sets of production equipment
  • 推荐英语阅读
chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise的中文翻译,chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise,chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise的中文意思,chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise的中文chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise in Chinesechinese-foreign cooperative enterprise的中文chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
